Health Matters, School for Dreamers, Together Magazine

Discover your potential

Transcript of the Feature ‘Health Matters’ nr. 48 on Radio X from 10 November 2014

I’m Tom Meyers and welcome to another episode of Health Matters. In Health Matters I share with you my professional experience as an osteopath and stress coach, bring you scientific insights and pass on practical tips how to manage stress and improve your health and well-being.

School for Dreamers Napoli

In last weeks episode, I shared with you that your heart and your gut have an intelligence of their own and that this intelligence can act independently from the control of your brain.

You can tap into that intelligence to improve your health but also to bring more meaning into your life. Meaning is associated with the feeling of fulfilment and increased sense of wellbeing.

Let us stop here for a moment as I would like to remind you of the quest we’re on since September? The quest to find answers to the question: What is health?

For those of you that just started to listen to Health Matters, I highly recommend that you go to the podcast or blog and listen to the previous episodes.

That said and with renewed focus lets continue were we left of.

Intuition and gut feeling, we all have it and at times act accordingly but more often than not we don’t. We do not trust it enough and regret it afterwards. Learning to trust your intuition and gut feeling is like fine-tuning your musical skills by practicing over and over again. How? For example you can do this by repeating the Reaset Breathing exercise or daily practices like mindfulness, meditation or yoga.

While you’re practicing your intuition and gut feeling you can also go on a still deeper personal journey. A journey that takes you to discover your potential or how I like to refer to it the journey to find out your soul-purpose.

You might not believe there is something like a potential pre-destination and that is ok, I had difficulties accepting that too. But today I can look back at 14 years of developing my innate potential and living my soul-purpose or in other words living who I was born to be.

We all come into this world with certain personality traits some of which are dominant others that will develop over time depending on  environmental stimuli. The same is true for your aptitudes, your talents, your unique skills.

You were born with a unique combination of skills that defines who you are just as much as being a man or a woman defines you.

So how do you find your unique skills? I’m sure some you know already but others you don’t and others still you are expressing but don’t see them as anything special but people around you do.

So what I would like you to do this week is answer the following three questions

1. What do you admire in others?

2. What do others admire in you?

3. What have you done that truly made you happy?

Make your answers short and precise.

In the next episode of Health Matters I’ll share with you how to interpret your answers.

Together Magazine Nov 2014

In the meantime have a great day, and I’ll catch up with you again next week. For more information about my presentations or consultations , to visit the blog or to pick up your November copy of Together Magazine please visit my website


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